About Us

Brief history

Al Amal Foundation is a charity that provides humanitarian needs. Al Amal is the hope, and this hope is at the centre of our work and our vision.

We work with the needy, displaced, refugees, victims of war and natural disasters in North Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, which is home to vast numbers of refugees and displaced people.

We work with local partners on the ground to alleviate poverty and provide grants so that families can survive and live their lives with dignity.

We work to plant hope in the future of the displaced and the needy so that they can rebuild their lives.

Al Amal Foundation is registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales, no. 1201295


Al Amal Foundation provides relief and development in a dignified manner regardless of gender, race, or religion, and works to empower individuals in the destined region.


Our vision for this region is to normalise living conditions by providing aid and access to food, clean water, education and shelter. The opportunity to live peacefully is offered to all without discrimination.

Help us to fulfil our vision through your donations.


Chairman: Mr. Walid Saffour (Msc. Linguistic and Translation Studies)
Member: Mr. Tariq Pandor (MEng Civil Engineering)
Member: Mrs. Elham Makansy (Educator)
Member: Mr Nebal Istanbouly (PH.D. Biology and Medical Sciences)